Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A. y    =    x  −   1

B. y    =    x  +   1

C. y    =    x  −   1

D. y    =    x  +   1

E. y    =    x  −   1

  1. The graph of f(x) = x^3 is shown in the standard (x,y) coordinate plane below. For which of the following equations is the graph of the
    cubic function shifted 4 units to the left and 3 units up?

F. f(x) =   (x  −   4)^3    −   3
G. f(x) = (x − 4)^3 + 3
H. f(x) = (x + 3)^3 − 4
J. f(x) = (x + 4)^3 + 3
K. f(x) = (x + 4)^3 − 3

  1. If a circle in the standard (x,y) coordinate plane has the equation (x + 3)^2 + (y − 5)^2 = 16, then which of the following points represents
    the center of the circle?

F. (−5, 3)

G. (−3,−5)

H. ( 3, 5)

J. (−5,−3)

K. (−3, 5)

  1. The graph below shows the distance a hot-air balloon is from the ground for a period of 10 minutes. A certain order of 3 of the
    following 5 actions describes the balloon’s movement in relation to the position of the ground. Which order is it?

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