Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
10 cos 35°. You may notice that (D) incorrectly uses the measure of side ZY; (C) ignores the

side of the triangle adjacent to VZW; and (A) incorrectly assumes that VZ has the same

measure as WZ. If the measure of VZW is 35°, the measure of WVZ must be 55°, so the

measures of the opposite sides cannot be equivalent.

30 . F Try PITA. Since a rectangle must have 2 sides of one length and 2 sides of another length, (G)

is incorrect. All four sides added together, the 32 given in the problem plus the 3 sides in the

answer choice, should add up to 144. For (F), 32 + 32 + 40 + 40 = 144, the correct answer.

Choice (H) adds up to 160, and (J) adds up to 196.

31 . C Start by subtracting 9 from both sides of the inequality, 4x < 2x − 16. Next, subtract 2x from

both sides: 2x < −16. Finally, divide both sides by 2: x < −8. If you chose (B), you may have

flipped the inequality unnecessarily.

32 . G The formula for the area of a triangle is A = . Fill in the dimensions you’re given: A =

≈ 3.9. Choice (J) is (2.25)(3.5) without dividing by 2.

33 . C Begin with the expression inside the absolute value: |−2 −7| = |−9| = 9. Then multiply by −8:

−8(9) = −72. Choice (E) misses the negative sign. Choice (A) incorrectly multiplies the 7

and 2 inside the absolute value. Choice (D) incorrectly adds +2 to −7 inside the absolute


34 . H Start with the number of sandwiches that have at least roast beef, which is 8. Eliminate (F)

because only 8 sandwiches have roast beef. One sandwich has both roast beef and turkey, but

no chicken, so subtract that from 8: 8 − 1 = 7. Two sandwiches have roast beef, chicken, and

turkey, so subtract that from 7: 7 − 2 = 5, to get the number of sandwiches with roast beef

only. This eliminates (G), and because there is no indication that any of the remaining

sandwiches contain roast beef with any other meet, the answer must be (H).

35 . D Find the total number of chickens by multiplying the number of groups of each kind by the

number of animals in the group and adding them together: (0)(1) + (20)(5) + (30)(10) = 400.

The counted rabbits include 5 1-animal groups and 20 10-animal groups for a total of (5)(1)

+ (20)(10) = 205. To find the number of uncounted rabbits, subtract the counted number from

the total: 400 − 205 = 195. To find the number of 5-animal groups, divide the uncounted

rabbits by 5: 195 ÷ 5 = 39. Choice (E) gives the number of uncounted rabbits instead of the

number of 5-animal groups. Choice (C) incorrectly counts the 5 1-animal groups as 5-animal

groups. Choice (B) makes the number of groups of rabbits equal to the number of groups of
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