Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The Basic Approach works on all passages with figures, not just the Now passages featuring consistent

trends in tables and graphs.

Step 1: Work the Figures

Some ACT passages will feature an illustration, a diagram, or tables and graphs with no consistent trends.

Take 10–15 seconds to review the figure. When there are no consistent trends, a figure doesn’t reveal the

main point as readily. You’ll learn the main point as you work the questions and answers. Spend the

limited time devoted to Step 1 looking for any patterns or terms.

Step 2: Work the Questions

Even on Later passages, several questions will ask you to look something up on the figure. The more

confusing the figure, however, the more likely you are to waste valuable time trying to figure everything

out from staring at the figure, waiting for a flash of inspiration to hit. Use your POOD to seek out the most

straightforward questions in a passage to tackle first. As we wrote above, most questions will ask you to

look something up on the figure. For more complicated questions, move to Step 3 and use POE.

Step 3: Work the Answers

The wordier the answers, the more you should use POE. Read each answer, then review the figure and
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