Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. As shown in Figure 2, every time the 1,3-D concentrations in the soil in H2, S2, and U2 were measured during the study, the
    concentrations in S2 and H2 were found to be very similar to the concentration in U2. The most likely explanation for this is that in S2
    and H2:

A. adsorption   onto    soil    particles   and plant   uptake  played  a   more    significant role    in  removing    1,3-D   than    did breakdown   to  form    PBr.
B. adsorption onto soil particles and plant uptake played a less significant role in removing 1,3-D than did breakdown to form PBr.
C. bacterial decomposition played a more significant role in removing 1,3-D than did adsorption onto soil particles and plant uptake.
D. bacterial decomposition played a less significant role in removing 1,3-D than did adsorption onto soil particles and plant uptake.
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