Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. At the end of Study 2, a crystal of BGO (II) was found to have a mass of 10 g and a volume of 100 cm^3 . Based on Figure 3, this
    crystal most likely had been exposed to radiations of which of the following levels?

A. 150  rads
B. 300 rads
C. 450 rads
D. 750 rads

  1. According to the results of Studies 1 and 2, for a given level of radiation, how did the crystals of BGO (I) compare to the crystals of
    BGO (II)? On average BGO (I) had:

A. larger   volume  and greater mass.
B. larger volume but lesser mass.
C. smaller volume and lesser mass.
D. smaller volume but greater mass.

  1. Of the 10 crystals of BGO (I) that were exposed to 450 rads of radiation, 2 cracked and 8 remained whole. The total mass of all of the
    crystals combined can be calculated using which of the following expressions?

F. 13   gm  ×   10
G. 13 gm + 10
H. 13 gm × 8
J. 13 gm + 8
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