Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Figure  3   shows,  for specific    values  of  A   (cross-sectional    area    of  the solenoid)   and N,  how L   varies  with    solenoid    length  at  25°C.

Figure  3

  1. For the conditions specified in Figure 2 and I = 0.75 Amps, the solenoid will attract iron metal particles most strongly when the number
    of coils is closest to which of the following?

A.          0   coils
B. 40 coils
C. 120 coils
D. 200 coils

  1. According to Figure 2, does magnetic field strength vary with current?

F. Yes; as  magnetic    field   strength    increases,  the current decreases.
G. Yes; as magnetic field strength increases, the current increases.
H. No; as magnetic field strength increases, the current decreases.
J. Yes; as magnetic field strength increases, the current remains the same.
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