Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. According to Figure 3, for μ = 14 × 10−5 henry/m, as the length of the solenoid increases, L:

A. increases    only.
B. decreases only.
C. varies, but with no consistent trend.
D. remains the same.

  1. For a given solenoid length, what is the correct ranking of the values of μ in Figure 3, from the μ associated with the highest L to the μ
    associated with the lowest L ?

F. 7    ×   10−^5   henry/m,    14  ×   10−^5   henry/m,    28  ×   10−^5   henry/m
G. 14 × 10−^5 henry/m, 28 × 10−^5 henry/m, 7 × 10−^5 henry/m
H. 7 × 10−^5 henry/m, 28 × 10−^5 henry/m, 14 × 10−^5 henry/m
J. 28 × 10−^5 henry/m, 14 × 10−^5 henry/m, 7 × 10−^5 henry/m

  1. Based on Figure 2, a solenoid containing 100 coils with a magnetic field strength of 300 would most likely have been produced by a

A. greater  than    1.00    amps.
B. between 1.00 and 0.75 amps.
C. between 0.75 and .50 amps.
D. less than 0.50 amps.
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