Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Appalachians. This same trend holds true for the other percentages as well. Only (A)

accurately describes this trend.

4 . H The passage states that Figure 1 shows the volume of the ash clouds released by volcanoes

of differing diameters. It also states that the ash flow around Mt. Mantu covered an area 30

times larger than the original size of the volcano. Therefore, if the ash flow in the question

is 30 km, the original size of the volcano must be 30 times smaller, or 1 km. According to

Figure 1, a volcano with a diameter of 1 km will have an ash-cloud volume of approximately

54,000 km^3 . Choice (H) gives the best approximation of this value.

5 . B According to Figure 2, a volcano with a diameter of 30 km should have approximately

1,000,000 years between eruptions. Therefore, since this volcano erupted 500,000 years ago,

it will not erupt for another 1,000,000 − 500,000 = 500,000 years, as in (B).

Passage X

1 . D The words magnetic field strength don’t appear explicitly in the question, but they are

suggested by the word attract. Therefore, use Figure 2 to figure out the relationship between

the number of coils and the magnetic field strength. According to this Figure, the magnetic

field strength increases with increasing number of coils for all three curves shown.

Therefore, in order to get the strongest possible magnetic field, we will need the maximum

number of coils, or 200, as in (D).

2 . G Review the trends in Figure 2. As the number of coils increases, magnetic field strength

increases, which is why all curves show a positive slope. But the key identifies the

difference between each curve: The greater the current, the greater the magnetic field

strength. Choice (G) provides the correct relationship.

3 . B Find μ = 14 × 10−^5 in the key for Figure 3. Notice, though, that all three of these curves

follow the same trend: As solenoid length increases, L decreases and then levels off at the

end. Only (B) is consistent with this information.

4 . J According to Figure 3, as solenoid length increases, L decreases. The μ curves don’t follow

quite so consistent a relationship. Pick a point and see how these μ values relate to one

another. At a solenoid length of 0.02 m, the μ value associated with the largest L value is μ =

28 × 10−5. The μ value associated with the smallest L value is μ = 7 × 10−5 . Therefore, the

correct answer should have 28 × 10−5 as its first value and 7 × 10−5 as its last. Only (J)


5 . D Find the point on Figure 2 that corresponds to 100 coils and a magnetic field strength of 300
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