Math & Science ACT Workuot

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. Suppose that Salt A had been potassium hydroxide and Salt B had been magnesium sulfate. The results of the experiment would have
    supported the explanation(s) provided by which student(s)?

A. Student  2   only
B. Student 3 only
C. Students 1 and 3 only
D. Students 2 and 3 only

  1. Suppose that the students also tested ammonium nitrate in the experiment and found it to have resulted in a boiling temperature in
    solution of 107°C. Student 2 would claim that ammonium nitrate:

F. has  a   greater molar   mass    than    Salt    A,  but a   smaller molar   mass    than    Salt    B.
G. has a greater molar mass than Salt B, but a smaller molar mass than Salt A.
H. has a greater enthalpy change of dissolution than Salt A, but a smaller enthalpy change of dissolution than Salt B.
J. has a greater enthalpy change of dissolution than Salt B, but a smaller enthalpy change of dissolution than Salt A.

  1. Which of the following graphs of the relative number of particles produced is most consistent with Student 2’s explanation?

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