AP Statistics 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


  1. C = 0.90 z * = 1.645, .

You would   need    to  survey  at  least   271 students.

  1.          The population  standard    deviation   is  unknown,    and the sample  size    is  small   (13),   so  we  need    to  use a

    t procedure. The problem tells us that the sample is random. A histogram of the data shows no
    significant departure from normality:

Now,     =  98.1,   s   =   4.21,   df  =   13  –   1   =   12   t  *   =   2.179.  The 95% confidence  interval    is

Because 100 is  contained   in  this    interval,   we  do  not have    strong  evidence    that    the mean    number  of
bushels per acre differs from 100, even though the sample mean is only 98.1.

  1.          This    is  a   two-proportion  situation.  We  are told    that    the groups  were    randomly    selected,   but we  need

    to check that the samples are sufficiently large:
    . Since all values are greater than or equal to 5, we
    are justified in constructing a two-proportion z interval. For a 90% z confidence interval, z * = 1.645.

Thus,       .

We  are 90% confident   that    the true    difference  between the dropout rates   is  between 0.02    and 0.38.
Since 0 is not in this interval, we have evidence that the counseling program was effective at reducing
the number of dropouts.

  1.          In  this    problem,    H   0   :   μ = 5   and H (^) A :   μ < 5,  so  we  are only    interested  in  the area    to  the left    of  our

    finding of = 4.55 since the hotel believes that the average stay is less than 5 days. We are interested
    in the area shaded in the graph:

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