AP Statistics 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
within  one standard    deviation   of  the mean,   about   95% are within  two standard    deviations, and about
99.7% are within three standard deviations

Estimate —sample value used to approximate a value of a parameter

Event —in probability, a subset of a sample space; a set of one or more simple outcomes

Expected value —mean value of a discrete random variable

Experiment —study in which a researcher measures the responses to a treatment variable, or variables,
imposed and controlled by the researcher

Experimental units —individuals on which experiments are conducted

Explanatory variable —explains changes in response variable; treatment variable; independent variable

Extrapolation —predictions about the value of a variable based on the value of another variable outside
the range of measured values

First quartile —25th percentile

Five-number summary —for a dataset, [minimum value, Q1, median, Q3, maximum value]

Geometric setting —independent observations, each of which succeeds or fails with the same
probability p ; number of trials needed until first success is variable of interest

Histogram —graph in which the frequencies of numerical data are displayed with bars; analogous to a
bar graph for categorical data

Homogeneity of proportions —chi-square hypothesis in which proportions of a categorical variable are
tested for homogeneity across two or more populations

Independent events —knowing one event occurs does not change the probability that the other occurs; P
(A) = P (A|B)

Independent variable —see explanatory variable

Inferential statistics —use of sample data to make inferences about populations

Influential observation —observation, usually in the x direction, whose removal would have a marked
impact on the slope of the regression line

Interpolation —predictions about the value of a variable based on the value of another variable within
the range of measured values

Interquartile range —value of the third quartile minus the value of the first quartile; contains middle
50% of the data

Least-squares regression line —of all possible lines, the line that minimizes the sum of squared errors
(residuals) from the line

Line of best fit —see least-squares regression line

Lurking variable —one that has an effect on the outcomes of the study but whose influence was not part
of the investigation

Margin of error —measure of uncertainty in the estimate of a parameter; (critical value) · (standard

Marginal totals —row and column totals in a two-way table

Matched pairs —experimental units paired by a researcher based on some common characteristic or

Matched pairs design —experimental design that utilizes each pair as a block; one unit receives one

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