AP Statistics 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Test statistic —

Third quartile —75th percentile

Treatment variable —see explanatory variable

Tree diagram —graphical technique for showing all possible outcomes in a probability experiment

Two-sided alternative —alternative hypothesis that can vary from the null in either direction; values
much greater than or much less than the null provide evidence against the null

Two-sided test —a hypothesis test with a two-sided alternative

Two-way table —table that lists the outcomes of two categorical variables; the values of one category
are given as the row variable, and the values of the other category are given as the column variable;
also called a contingency table

Type I error —the error made when a true null hypothesis is rejected

Type II error —the error made when a false null hypothesis is not rejected

Unbiased estimate —mean of the sampling distribution of the estimate equals the parameter being

Undercoverage —some groups in a population are not included in a sample from that population

Uniform —distribution in which all data values have the same frequency of occurrence

Univariate data —having to do with a single variable

Variance —average of the squared deviations from their mean of a set of observations;

Voluntary response bias —bias inherent when people choose to respond to a survey or poll; bias is
typically toward opinions of those who feel most strongly

Voluntary response sample —sample in which participants are free to respond or not to a survey or a

Wording bias —creation of response bias attributable to the phrasing of a question

z -score —number of standard deviations a term is above or below the mean;

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