Chapter Four Key Events
c.790–c.950 Invasions into Europe by Vikings, Muslims, and
869–883 Zanj revolt in Iraq
871–899 Reign of King Alfred the Great of England
c.909 Fatimids (in North Africa) establish themselves as caliphs
929 Abd al-Rahman III (at Córdoba in al-Andalus) takes title of caliph
955 Victory of Otto I over Hungarians at Lechfeld
962 Otto I crowned emperor
980–1037 Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
988 Conversion of Vladimir, ruler of Rus’, to Byzantine Christianity
989 “Peace of God” movement begins
990/991 Mieszko I puts Poland under papal protection
1000 (or 1001) Stephen I crowned king of Hungary
1025 Death of Basil II the Bulgar Slayer
c.1031 Al-Andalus splits into taifas