xanathars guide to everything

(Jeff_L) #1

23-25 An empty cave littere d wit h bones dlOO Encounter
26 l pseudodragon or ld3 giant owls^01 l d4 pegasi or l d3 perytons
27 l lion or l panther (cougar)^02 ld6 + 2 giant goats
28-30 2d 8 kobolds^03 l mant icore
31 l hippogriff^04 ld8 +l gnolls or l d8 + l hobgoblins
32-34 2d4 goblins^05 ld4 lions
35 l worg^06 ld6 + 2 worgs
36 ld3 s warms of bats o r ld3 swarms of ravens^07 l d4 brown bears
37 1 giant eagle^08 3d6 axe beaks
38- 40 An ol d dwarf si tti ng on a stum p, whittli ng a piece^09 1 half-ogre with 2d6 ores
of wood^10 2dl0 winged kobolds
41 ld 4 elk 11- 12 l goblin boss with l d 4 dire wolves and 2d6 goblins
42 ld4 winged kobolds wit h l d6 kobolds^13 ld6 gi ant elk
43 ld6 + 2 giant wolf spiders^14 - 15 l d8 + l giant eagles
44 -45 2d4 wolves^16 - 17 ld4 phase spiders

46 l swarm ofinsects^1 8-^19 l gnoll pack lord with 2d4 giant hyenas
47 ld8 + l axe beaks^20 2d^4 hippogriffs

48 - 49 l brown bear or l d3 boars 21-25 A 15-foot-tall stone statue of a dwarf warrior that

so l scout has been tipped over on its side
51 l ogre^26 - 27 2d4 orogs
52-53 2d4 gnolls 28-29 l d4 + l griffons
54 l giant elk 30-3^1 ld6 + 2 harpies
55 l d3 + l harpies 32-^33 l ore Eye ofGruumsh with 2d6 + 3 ores
56 l werewolf^34 - 35 ld4 + 3 giant boars
57- 58 2d4 ores 36-^40 A stone door set into the side of a steep hill, open-
59 l d^4 half-ogres ing onto l 5 feet of descendi ng stairs that end at a
60 l druid or l veteran cave-in
61 -63 The corpse of an adventurer t hat carries an int act 41-42 l d3 green hags
explorer's pack and lies atop a longsword^43 - 44 l d4 werewolves
64 l green hag^4 5-46 ld6 + 2 ogres

65 - 66 ld3 dire wolves 47- 48 l hobgo blin captain with 2d8 hobgoblins

6 7- 68 A small cemetery containing 2d6 graves^49 - 50 l ba ndit ca ptain with 3d6 bandit s

69 - 70 l hobgoblin captain with 2d4 hobgoblins^51 -54 l chimera

71 2d4 giant goats 55-58 ld4 ettins
72 l manticore 59- 62 ld6 + 2 vete rans with 2d6 berserke rs
73 -^74 ld6 + 2 hobgoblins^63 - 65 An abandoned wooden hut
75 1 phase spider 66-69^1 galeb duhr
76 - 78 A pi le of d ro ppings from a very large bird^70 -7^3 1 bulette
79 1 gnoll fang ofYee noghu^74 -77 1 wyvern
80 ld3 giant boars^78 -^80 2d6 +^10 goats with 1 herde r (tribal warrior)
81 1 gnoll pack lord with ld3 giant hyenas 81-^82 ld^3 hill gi ants
82 1 ba ndit captain wit h 2d4 bandit s 83-84 2d4 wereboars
83 1 ore Eye ofGruumsh wit h ld8 + 2 ores 85-86 l d4 reve nants
84 ld3 orogs or l d4 berserkers 87- 88 l d2 gorgons

85 - 86 1 ettin or 1 wereboar^89 - 90 ld8 + 1 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu

87- 88 1 goblin boss with 2d6 goblins 91-93^1 d4 cyclopes

89 ld3 griffons 94-96 1 young re d dragon
90 l d3 perytons or l d 4 pegas i 97- 98 ld4 stone giants

91 -96 l d3 trolls^99 ld3 young copper dragons

97- 99 1 cyclops^00 1 roe
00 1 stone giant

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