xanathars guide to everything

(Jeff_L) #1
Confiict. Dra m a embodies conflict, a nd the best
s tories h ave conflict as a key e le m e nt. F rom the m orn-
ing-aft er ta le of a ta vern brawl to the saga of a n e pic
battle, from a love r's spat to a rift between powerful
dynasties, conflic t i s what inspires ta le-teller s like you to
c reate your best work. Conflict can bring out the best in
som e pe ople , caus ing their he roic nature to shine forth
a nd tra n sfor m the world, but it can cause othe rs to grav-
ita te toward d arkness a nd fall unde r t he sway of evil.
You strive to expe rie nce or w itness all forms of conflic t,
great and small, s o as to study this eterna l aspect of life
and immortalize it in your words and music.

Bard Colleges

At 3rd level, a ba rd gains the Ba rd College feature. The
following opt io ns are available to a bard , in a ddition
to those offe re d in the Player 's Han dbook : the College
of G la mour, the College of Swords , and the College
of Whis pe rs.

The College of Gla mour is the home of bards who mas-
te re d the ir craft in the vibrant realm o f the Feywild or
unde r the tute lage of someone who dwelled the re. Tu-
to re d by satyrs , e ladrin, a nd othe r fey, these bards learn
to use their magic to de light and captivate othe rs.
The ba rds of this college a re regarde d with a mixture
of awe and fear. Their p erforma nces a re the stuff o f leg-
end. Thes e bards are so eloquent th a t a speech or song
tha t one of the m pe rforms can cause captors to re lease
the bard unharm e d and can luU a furio us dragon into
complacency. T he same magic tha t allows them to quell
beasts can a lso bend minds. Villa inous bards of this
college can leech off a community for weeks, mis u sing
their magic to turn the ir hosts into thralls. H e roic ba rds
of this college ins tead use this pow e r t o gladde n the
downtrodde n a nd undermine oppressors.

Bard Level Feature
3rd Mantle of Inspiratio n, Enthralling Performance
6th M antle of M ajest y
14th Unbreakable M ajesty

Whe n you j oin the College o f Gla mour a t 3 rd level, you
gain the a bility to weave a song of fey magic that imbues
your a llies w ith vigor and s peed.
As a bonus action, you can expend one use o f your
Ba rdic Inspira ti on to grant yourself a wondrous appear-
a nce. Whe n you do so, choose a numbe r o f c reatures
you can see a nd that can see you within 60 fee t of you,
up to a numbe r equa l to your C ha ris m a modifier (mini-
mum of one). Each of the m gains 5 tempora ry hit points.
Whe n a creature gains these temporary hit points , it
can immed iately use its reaction to move up to its speed ,
w ithout provoking opportunity attacks.
T he numbe r of t emporary hit points inc reases wh en
you r e a ch certa in leve ls in this class, inc reasing to 8 at
5th leve l, 11 at 10th leve l, and 14 at 15th level.


S tarting at 3r9 level, you can c harge your pe rforma nce
with seductive , fey magic.
If you pe rform for at least 1 minute, you can a ttempt
to ins pire wonde r in you r audie nce by s inging, reciting
a poem , o r dancing. At the end o f the performance,
c hoose a numbe r o f huma noids within 6 0 feet o f y ou
who watche d and lis te ne d to all of it, up to a numbe r
e qua l to your Cha ris ma modifie r (minimum of o ne).
Each target mus t s ucceed on a Wisdom s aving throw
agains t your s pell save DC or be charme d by you. While
charmed in this way, the ta rget idolizes you , it s peaks
glowingly of you to a nyone who ta lks to it, and it hinde rs
a nyone who opposes you, a lthough it avoids vio le nce
unless it was already inclined to fight on your be half.
This effect ends on a ta rget a fte r 1 hour, if it ta kes any
damage, if you attack it, or if it witnesses you attacking
or da maging any of its allies.
If a ta rget s ucceeds on its saving throw, the ta rget has
no hint tha t you trie d to charm it.
O nce you use t hi s feature, you can't use it again until
you finis h a shor t or long rest.

At 6th leve l, you gain the ability to cloak yourself in a fey
magic that m a kes othe rs want to ser ve you. As a bonus
action, you c ast command, without expending a spell
slot, and yo u take on a n appeara nce of unearthly beauty
for 1 minute or until your concentra ti on ends (as if you
were concentra ting on a spell). During this time, you
can cast command as a bonus action on each of your
turns, w it hout expending a spell s lot.
Any c reature c h arme d by you a utomatically fails
its saving throw agains t the command you cast with
this feature.
Once you use this feature , you can't use it again until
you finis h a long rest.

At 1 4 th level, your appeara nce permanently gains an
otherwo rldly aspect th at makes you look more lovely
a nd fie rce.
In addition , as a bonus action, you can assume a mag-
ically majesti c presence for 1 minute or u ntil you a re
incapacita te d. For the dura tion , whe never a ny creature
tr ies to a ttack you for the firs t time on a turn, the at-
tacke r mus t ma ke a Ch a ris m a saving throw agains t your
spell save DC. On a faile d save , it can't a ttack you on this
turn, and it must choose a n ew targe t for its attack or the
a ttack is waste d. On a successful s ave, it can attack you
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