6th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 actio n
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentratio n , up to 10 m inutes
F lames race across your body, s hedding brig ht ligh t i n
a 3 0 -foot radius and d im light for a n additional 30 feet
for the spell's duration. The fla mes do n't harm you. Until
t he spell ends, you gain the following be ne fit s:
- You ar e immune to fir e da mage a nd have resistance to
cold da m age. - Any creature that moves within 5 feet of you for the
firs t t im e on a turn or e nds its turn t he r e takes l d lO
fir e damage.
You can use your action to create a line of fir e 15 feet
long a n d 5 feet w ide extendi ng from you in a direc-
tio n you choose. Each c reature in the line must m a ke
a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4 d8 fire
da mage on a fa ile d save, o r half as much da mage o n a
s uccessful one.
6 th-level transmutation
Casting Time : 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration , up to 10 minutes
Until the s pell e nds, ice rimes you r body, a nd you gain
the following be nefits :
- You are immune to cold da mage and have resistance
to fire da mage. - You can move across d iffic ult terrain c reate d by ice o r
s now without s p e nding extra moveme nt. - T h e ground in a 10 -foot radius aro und you is icy and
is diffic ul t terra in for c reatures oth e r tha n you. T he
radius moves w ith you. - You can use your action to c reate a 15-foot cone of
freezing win d extending fr om your outstretche d hand
in a di rection you ch oose. Each creature in the cone
must ma ke a Constitution saving throw. A creature
takes 4 d6 cold damage o n a failed save, or half as
much da mage o n a successful one. A creature tha t
fails its save agains t th is effect has its s peed ha lved
until the start of you r next turn.
6th -level tran smutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
D uration: Concentr a tion, up to 10 minutes
Unti l t he spell e nds, bits of rock spread across your
body, and you gain the following ben efits:
- You have resistance to bludgeoning, pier cing, a nd
s lashing damage from nonmagical attacks.