xanathars guide to everything

(Jeff_L) #1

dlOO Event
01 - 05 You were ensorcelled by a fey and enslaved for ld6
years before you escaped.
06 - 10 You saw a demon and ran away before it could do
anything to you.
11 - 15 A devil tempted you. Make a DC 10 Wisdom saving
throw. On a failed save, your alignment shifts one
step toward evil (if it 's not evil already), and you
start the game with an additional ld20 + 50 gp.
16 -2 0 You woke up one morning miles from your home,
with no idea how you got there.
21- 30 You visited a holy site and felt the presence of the
di vine there.
31 - 40 You witnessed a falling red star, a face appearing in
th e frost , or some other bizarre h appening. You are
certain that it was an omen of some sort.
41 - 50 You escaped certain death and believe it was the
intervention of a god that saved you.
61 - 70

71 -7 5


96 - 00

You witnessed a minor miracle.
You explored an empty house and found it to be
You were briefly possessed. Roll a d6 to determine
what type of creature possessed you: l , celestial; 2,
devil; 3, demon; 4, fey; 5 , elemental; 6, undead.
You saw a ghost.
You saw a ghou l feeding on a corpse.
A celestial or a fiend visited you in your dreams to
give a warning of dangers to come.
You briefly visited the Feywild or the Shadow fell.
You saw a portal that you believe lead s to another
plane of existence.

d l 2 Traged y
1-2 A family member or a close friend died. Roll on
the Cause of Death supplemental table to find out





A friendship ended b it terly, and the other person
is now hostile to you. The cause might have been a
m isunderstanding or something you or the former
friend d id.
You lost all your possessions in a d isaster, and you
had to rebuild your life.
You were imprisoned for a crime you didn't com-
mit and spent ld6 years at hard labor, in jail, or
shackled to an oar in a slave galley.
War ravaged your home community, reducing ev-
erything to rubble and ruin. In the aftermath, you
either helped your town rebu ild or moved some-
where else.
A lover d isappeared without a trace. You have been
looking for that person ever since.









5- 7

A terrible blight in your home community caused
crops to fail, and many starved. You lost a sibling
o r some other family member.
You did something that bro ught terrible shame to
you in the eyes of your family. You might have been
involved in a scandal, dabbled in dark magic, or
offended someone important. The attitude of your
family members toward you becomes indifferent at
best, though they might eventually forgive you.
For a reason you were never told, you were e xiled
from your community. You then either wandered in
the wilderness for a time or promptly found a new
place to live.
A roma ntic re lationship ended. Roll a d6. An odd
number means it ended with bad feelings, while an
e ven number means it ended amicably.
A current or prospective romantic partner of yours
died. Roll on the Cause of Death supplemental
table to find out how. If the result is murder, roll a
dl2. On a l , you were responsible, whether directly
or indi rectly.

War Outcome
You were knocked out and left fo r dead. You woke
up hours later with no recollection of the battle.
You were badly injured in the fight, and yo u still
bear the awful scars of those wounds.
You ran away from t he battle to save your life, but
you still feel shame for your cowardice.
You suffered only minor injuries, and the wounds
all healed without leaving scars.

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