Web User - UK (2019-06-12)

(Antfer) #1
Weekend Project

Get togrips withsomeserioustechtinkering to

boost yourcomputer andotherdevices

58 12 - 25 June 2019

(alsoreferredtoas “hook
and loop”).These are
wider than cable ties, so
theywork best on thicker
wires such as thosefound
behind a TV or desktop
PC.While they can hold
cablestogether almost as
securely as plastic ties,
they can be undone
quickly, and with one


... Organise your cables and

keep them tidy

Wayne Williamsshows you how to turn the tangled mess behind

your desk into a neatly organised and easy-to-access bank of cables

One of the simplestwaystokeepyour
wires tidy isbyusing plastic cable ties.
They’re cheap and it takes secondsto
secure a bunch of cables.The downside
is that ifyou needtoreplace orremovea
cable, orreorganise the bunch,you have
tocut through the ties.This can be fiddly
andcouldeven leadtoyou accidentally
slicing through the cables.
A better option istouseVelcro ties


very elec trical de vice without a
built- in battery needs a cablefor
power and many need further leads to
connect to ot her devices. This can result in
an overwhelmin g array of cables that are
hard to tell apar t – USB cables alonecome
with a dizz ying variety of connectors,
inclu ding Type-A, Type-B, Type-C, USB
Mini A or B, USB Micro A or B, and USB
Micro B Super speed.
Chances are you have cables all over
your home – plugged into sockets, snaking
around andbehind devices, jammed into
drawers and storage boxes – and they are
most likely tangled up and
inter twined , form ing an ugly
mess and making it
impossibleto single out the
one you need. In this iss ue’s
Weeken d Project, we offer some handy tips
on cable management so you can quickly
find the one you want and attach or unplug
it with ease. Everything here is available
froma range of so urces inclu ding Amazon.

Plastic cable tieskeep
things tidy but they are
difficultto remove

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