64 12 - 25 June 2019
programs anduse the samekeyboard
shortcuts.Ctrl+S can beusedinmost
programs with aSaveoption, andCtrl+P
isoften usedtoprint, while pressing
Ctrl+C copies selectedtextandCtrl+X
cuts it. You can thenmovethe text
cursorandpressCtrl+V topaste it.
If you don’t wanttouse amouseto
selecttext, pressShift+rightarrowor
rightorleftof the cursorposition.
Shift+upand Shift+downselects whole
lines oftextaboveorbelowthe cursor.
Ctrl+Aselects everything. Onceyour
textis selected, pressing the leftor
rightarrowkeys moves the cursorto
the start orend of the selection.
Ctrl+B,Ctrl+i andCtrl+U are
common shortcuts toswitchtobold,
italicandunderline.Press the key
combination again toswitchit off.
You can use these formatting
shortcuts tosavegoing through
menus inWord, WordPress,emails
rograms thatuse menus let you accesstheir options using
keyboard shortcuts,soyou can navigate aroundthemeven
if you don’t havea mouse. The relevantkeyboard shortcut
isindicatedbyanunderlinedcharacter –if you can’t see any,
switchthemonfromthe Windows 10 Settings(Windows+i)by
clicking ‘Ease ofAccess’, Keyboard, thenscrollingdownonthe
rightandturning on‘Underlineaccesskeys whenavailable’.
Totesthowthisworks,openNotepad. Asyou can see inthe
screengrabonthe right, the ‘F’ inthe File menuisunderlined,
which means Alt+Fopens it. Eachoption onthe menuhas an
underlinedletter, suchas‘S’ inSave, soonce the menuisopen,
you simplypressthe letter. Instead ofusing the mousetoclick
openthe File menuandselectSave, just press Alt+F,thenS.This
works in lotsofprograms,not justMicrosoftones.
Access menu options
using shortcuts
Learn keyboard shortcuts
Menushortcuts let you quickly open
menusbut there are fasterwaysto
accesstheir features. The nexttimeyou
use amenuina program, looktosee if
it displaysa direct shortcuttoits right.
InNotepad for example, asdescribed
above, you needtwo lotsofkeypresses
- Alt+FthenS –tosavea file. But if you
use the direct shortcut– Ctrl+S –you
achieve the sameresult with one.
The nextoptiondown– SaveAs–
letsyou pressCtrl+Shift+Stosavethe
fileina different fileformatorgiveit a
newname.It’s alsousefulif you wantto
preservethe original draft of a
document you are working onand save
any changes you’vemadeseparately.
Use text shortcuts
Somefunctions are common toall
Underlinedletters on menus indicate keyboard
shortcuts, and direct shortcuts are often listed, too
Some keyboard shortcuts can beused inalmost any program – even forms and boxes
on websites
If you seewords thatlook like
they’ve been typed in a
typewriter, follow the instructions
and type themexactly as they
appear, paying closeattentionto
spaces and punctuation.
Web User Masterclass
Revolutionise the way you use
Windows with keyboard shortcuts