Digital SLR Photography - UK (2019-07)

(Antfer) #1

July 2019 Digital SLR Photography 47

“I think this is gorgeous. The light is
attractively warm and I’m a sucker
for a simple portrait boasting a
beautifully diffused backdrop that
makes the subject pop from its surroundings.
Technically and aesthetically, this image is hard
to fault. It's a classic composition, with just the
right amount of negative space and stunning
plumage detail. Unfortunately, images like this
are often overlooked for simply being a ‘bird on
a stick’. Camera club judges want more –
action, behaviour or drama. But, in reality,
nature rarely does what you want and you can
but record the moment. Obviously it would be
lovely if this female was singing, had a beak full
of grubs, or was interacting with another bird.
But just because the subject isn’t ‘doing
anything’, doesn’t detract from the fact that this
is a lovely portrait of a wild bird, expertly
captured. In my opinion it is a lovely image that
wouldn’t look out of place in any wildlife title.”



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