The Wall Street Journal - USA (2020-12-07)

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© 2020 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, December 7, 2020 |A


As the holiday season gets
under way amid a Covid-
surge across the country,
employers are taking mea-
sures to encourage employ-
ees to limit their potential
virus exposure and to safe-
guard workplaces. What is
your boss is entitled to know
about your holiday plans?

The Bottom Line
Employers have wide latitude dur-
ing a pandemic in what they can
ask regarding your holiday plans.
That includes asking workers to
take a pledge to refrain from any
risky behavior—as some companies
did right before Thanksgiving—and
cautioning employees against any
conduct that would violate federal
or local health guidelines. It varies
by state, but if it is a matter of
protecting the safety of the work-
place, employers can also discipline
workers for what they do during
off hours. That could include if
workers don’t disclose potential ex-
posure to the virus and return to
the workplace without quarantin-
ing after personal travel or after
attending large celebrations.



The Details
Limitations on what
employers can re-
strict in your off-
time vary by state,
but companies gen-
erally have leeway
when it comes to
protecting workplace
Employers are re-
quired under Occupa-
tional Safety and
Health Administra-
tion rules to provide
a safe workplace,
says Jennifer Merri-
gan Fay, an employ-
ment-law partner in
Boston at Goodwin
Procter LLP. While
companies can’t un-
reasonably invade an
employee’s privacy
and make requests
such as not to go outside, they can
take other unusual, but not illegal,
steps during a health crisis aimed at
preventing the spread of Covid-19.
Companies can, for example, re-
quire workers to disclose any travel
plans or recent trips, and can en-
force recommendations from the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention or local health mandates
for post-travel quarantine periods.
Some firms also ask or require em-
ployees to sign pledges stating
they’ll keep celebrations small, wear
a mask or limit contact with people
outside of their household, she said.
“It does feel unnatural, but be-
havior outside of the workplace

causes such a risk to workplace
health and safety,” says Ms. Fay.
“Employers are able to encroach
more into employees’ personal lives
than they otherwise would.”
Ms. Fay said it is key that what-
ever rules employers adopt are ap-
plied consistently to all employees.
Vacation time also isn’t guaran-
teed under federal law, and most
employers are within their rights to
cancel a vacation and require work-
unnecessary travel.
“They are asking employees to
change how they act outside of the
workplace, and it isn’t a normal re-
quest for employers,” Ms. Fay said.

health mandates, such as
being at a large party or
traveling to a Covid hot
spot and refusing to quar-
antine after.
“If an employer sees
someone doing something
on social media that is not
in line with state or local
orders, depending on em-
ployer policy, they could
discipline that person or
require them to quaran-
tine,” Ms. Conn said.
Companies in some
states that ask workers to
stay away from the work-
place as a preventive mea-
sure aren’t required to of-
fer paid time off, said Ms.
Fay. The Families First
Coronavirus Response Act,
enacted in March, requires
private companies with
500 employees or fewer
to provide up to 10 days of paid sick
leave to workers in states that have
quarantine mandates. The policy is
set to expire Dec. 31.
Enforcement of policies regarding
travel or large celebrations, how-
ever, can be difficult and in most
cases falls on the employee to be
honest about their plans.
“Employees should know what
your employer’s travel policy is and
what would be required of you if
you make travel plans,” Ms. Conn
said. “Employees should educate
themselves on if there are adviso-
ries or guidance on travel before
they make their plans.”
—Patrick Thomas

“But in this time, we have to act
differently than we normally would.”
Some states, such as California
and New York, have off-duty con-
duct laws that prevent employers
from restricting activities that em-
ployees may do lawfully outside the
workplace, including personal travel,
says Rachel Conn, an employment
attorney in San Francisco at Nixon
Peabody LLP. Some union contracts
could also include an off-duty con-
duct rule potentially preventing an
employer from taking action against
an employee.
Companies can also discipline
employees if they are caught on so-
cial media violating state or local

Companies can require employees to disclose any travel plans or recent trips, experts say.



ing—and evaluating—the em-
ployee as a whole person and not
just a worker bee.
“Empathy, caring, supporting
people is really the theme,” says
Josh Bersin, a human resources
analyst and consultant. Perfor-
mance reviews—once reckonings
that could lead to a swift depar-
ture, or, in a thriving
job market, devel-
opmental tools
meant to coach
ness—are now
turning into health
checks, he says. Bosses
are mostly using the time to
make sure their people are OK and
to inject some energy into flag-
ging teams.
Mr. Bersin estimates you proba-
bly have two years of leniency be-
fore the performance reviews that
kept you up at night return. When
“the pandemic is history and we’re
back to go, go, go, we’ll probably
go back to the way things were,”
he says.
For now, most companies
aren’t completely canceling re-
views, according to surveys by re-
search firm Gartner Inc. in the
spring and summer, but many are
adjusting the process. For the first
half of the year, Facebook be-
stowed the same “exceeds expec-
tations” rating on all 45,000 full-
time staffers, ensuring they
received their bonuses. Google
skipped mid-year appraisals and
then, in the fall, promoted twice

says. Flashing red rings
typically pop up on workers’
computer screens if they don’t re-
spond within 10 minutes to a cus-
tomer call.
Mustapha Allanah, a 27-year-
old employee at the 200-person
company, had tried to not let the
alert frazzle him during his time
on the service desk. But working
by himself at his home in Elmont,
N.Y., during the pandemic, with
the team short-staffed, he was
sometimes bombarded by 40 red
circles at once. He couldn’t shout
to a colleague for help or an-
nounce he was taking a minute to
grab a snack. “I felt like I couldn’t
take a break. I felt like I couldn’t
be human. Nobody wants to feel
like that,” he says.
When Electric got rid of the
alerts in August and began to limit
the number of customer tickets
staff could take at
one time, it was a
huge relief, Mr. Alla-
nah says. He still
braced for negative
feedback about
some of his stats
during his Septem-
ber performance re-
view, even prepar-
ing a spreadsheet to
advocate for him-
self. But his man-
ager never men-
tioned them, giving him high
marks across the board.
“It just felt good to get a win,”
he says. While he didn’t get a
raise tied to the September per-
formance review, he scored a pro-
motion to associate product man-
ager in November, which came
with a higher salary.
Some managers say they

worry employees will burn out or
leave if they feel they’re be-
ing held to unattainable
standards during the
“We need to
get people
through this
with us,” says Ka-
rin McGrath Dunn, presi-
dent of PRD Management, a Colling-
swood, N.J., company that manages
properties. Sheremoved everything
related to last year’s goals from
her firm’s process, replacing them
with pandemic-specific measures
such as demonstrating compassion
and being dependable while work-
ing remotely.
Other leaders are realizing that
no one has time for endless forms
and tedious meetings these days.
At Hilton, employees have been
tasked with new responsibilities as
the hotel company deals with chal-
lenges pummeling the industry.
Some workers are returning from
three- or six-month furloughs to
new bosses and teams transformed
by layoffs.
The message to employees is of-
ten, “Take on this. I know you don’t
know what it is, but just do it for us
now,” chief administrative officer
Matt Schuyler says. If workers are
preoccupied with hitting old goals
or worried about ratings, they
won’t be able to pivot.
So Hilton simplified its perfor-
mance-review template, Mr. Schuy-
ler says, whittling a “spiderweb
matrix” of competencies and ob-
jectives down to three questions.
Eliminating formal mid-year re-
views saved managers 20 hours,
he estimates. For year-end assess-
ments, bosses are urged to con-
sider effort, not just outcomes.
“You’re balancing all this stuff
in your life. You’re watching the
news every night. It’s depressing.
And yet you’re putting forward a
heroic effort in this crisis,” Mr.
Schuyler says. “In my view, that
warrants better ratings.”

as many people as it normally
does to make up for the lapse, ac-
cording to a spokeswoman.
Some companies, of course,
aren’t as generous as tech giants
and won’t be handing out bonuses
or raises at all this year, as they
weather economic turmoil. In those
situations, a glowing review might
help soften the blow of a stagnant
salary, or so executives wager.
At Electric, a New York-based in-
formation-technology soft-
ware and services company,
workers won’t be getting
cost-of-living or merit in-
creases for the second half
of 2020, but they will be
getting positive feed-
back. The human re-
sources team is checking
all performance reviews
during a new audit pro-
cess intended to make
sure numeric ratings are
“The audit period
was really instituted to
say, ‘Who’s being too
harsh? Who’s really
coming down on our
team?’ You should just
be giving a pat on the back to your
employees for showing up,” says
Jamie Coakley, the company’s vice
president of people.
Executives also reduced sales-
people’s quotas by 15% for the
year. And for 30 days they elimi-
nated an alert for customer service
staff that had become a “blinking
red beacon of stress,” Ms. Coakley


reading your end-of-year
performance review? It
might not be the sweat-
inducing conversation of
years past.
Many corporate lead-
ers say they are taking a gentler
approach to evaluations as the
pandemic wears on and employ-
ees face trials on the job and at
home. For much of the labor
force, the idea of checking off
goals set during the compara-
tively rosy close of 2019 now
seems quaint. Many markets have
shifted dramatically, teams have
been redeployed, and workers are
often doing the jobs of departed
colleagues in addition to trying
on the role of teacher or caregiver
for a chunk of the workday.
In response, some companies
are scrapping parts of their perfor-
mance-management systems, like
mid-year reviews and numeric rat-
ings. Others are lowering sales
quotas and instituting a sort of
performance-score inflation, urg-
ing bosses to avoid doling out that
dreaded “does not meet expecta-
tions” label.
It’s all part of a pandemic-
driven management style called
empathetic leadership. To be sure,
some bosses remain unmoved, ex-
pecting things to march on as if
nothing has changed. But many
say these days they are recogniz-


The pandemic gives rise to

‘empathetic leadership,’

which has some companies

easing up on evaluations

The Kinder,




‘You should

just be giving

a pat on the

back to your

employees for

showing up.’

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