Ihope you can help with an issue Ihave
that’s driving me insane.Acouple of weeks
ago Windows Updatefailed. Ihad stopped
the service from running by using abatch
file that runs at startup and uses ‘net stop’
to end the bits, dosvc and wuauserv
services. Ialso disabled updates using
UltimateWindows Tweaker and Glary
Utilities. Ithink, between the three
methods, something has become corrupted.
I’ve tried using ‘net start’ to restart the
above services, which results in “System
error 1058 has occurred =The service
cannot be started, either because it is
disabled or because it has no enabled
devices associated with it”.
Itried running the Services console,
opening the properties forWindows Update
and changing its startup type awayfrom
Disabled. When Itry to save achange to
any other service,Iget amessage that
access is denied. I’ve tried the equivalent
an elevatedcommand prompt, but Iget the
same error.Ichecked through the Service
Console forservice dependencies, but
they’re all running.
Itried runningsfc/scannowfrom an
elevatedcommand prompt, then rolling
Windows back to aworking restore point,
neither of which helped. Iran Microsoft’s
Windows Updatetroubleshooter,which
encountered an unexpected error.Finally,I
tried uninstalling the third-party apps, then
Security.Atthis point, Ithink aWindows
reinstall might be my only option, but I’d
rather avoid it. Have you any better ideas?
It sounds as if you were trying to switch off
updates in several ways at once.Although
that maynot have caused the problem, it has
probably at least confused things. The results
you’ve listed are consistent with the Windows
Updateservice having been disabled, which
sounds as though it might be the only
underlying problem. Unfortunately,you’re
being denied access when you try to restart
it or change its startup behaviour.
It seems likely that the issue has been
caused by one of the third-party apps.
Assuming that you tried re-enabling Windows
Updates in both before you uninstalled them,
you mayneed to try fixing things with the
Tweaking.com Windows Repair tool. However,
before you do anything further,take afull
backup,ifyou didn’t already,then re-run the
Windows Updatetroubleshooter,click
Advanced, and choose Run as Administrator.
Assuming that doesn’t work, download
the Tweaking.com tool fromtinyurl.com/
378helpfile1,run the installer,and run the
program when it’s installed. Click Reboot To
SafeMode,agree to reboot the computer,
then when the computer reboots in Safe
Mode run the Tweaking.com tool again.
Click Jump To Repairs, click Open Repairs,
then in the list that appears untick All Repairs
and retick 03 Reset Service Permissions, 16
Repair Windows Updates, 25 Restore
Important Windows Services and 26 Set
Windows Services To Default Startup.
Finally,click Start Repairs and let it finish;
it should take less than acouple of minutes.
Reboot when prompted, open the Start
menu, type update, run Check forupdates
and click the Check forupdates button.
The updateissue should be fixed.
This repair will temporarily block the
MicrosoftManagement Console,which means
you’ll see the error ‘An administrator has
blocked you from running this app’ifyou try
to open either the Services or Computer
Management consoles. This should clear 15
minutes or so after you’ve rebooted from
SafeMode,once the computer has finished
processing the various changes and repairs.
If Windows Updatestill isn’t working, a
reinstall maybefor the best. Thanks to an
improved process, which can preserve your
apps and files, it’s not quitethe nightmare it
once was. To start, click the UpdateNow
button attinyurl.com/378helpfile2and the
Windows 10 UpdateAssistant will default
to upgrading your existing installation,
preserving your data. Youwill have to
spend awhile restoring all your Windows
settings, but otherwise the impact is
surprisingly minor.
⬆There’s no need to run all the Tweaking.com repairs
⬆Ifatroubleshooter doesn’t work, try running it again as administrator