If youset adetailed location, Alexa candoa
bit more. To change your Echo’s location, you
havetogotothe Alexa app, select Devices,
Echo &Alexa,and then pick one of your
smart speakers. Select DeviceLocation and
then enteryour full address, including the
street, town and postcode. Each Echo
devicecan haveadifferentaddress.
Once you’vegot an address in your
account, youcan do morewith Alexa.For
example, ask fortraffic on aparticular route
and you’ll getanoverviewofthe situation
and the quickest route. It’sstill notperfect,
however.For example, if youask about
‘traffic to Heathrow’, Alexa will tell youthe
routeand currenttraffic levels; ask ‘how
long it takestodrivetoHeathrow’and
Alexa will tell youthe distancebut say she
can’ttell youhow long it will take as she
doesn’t knowhow fast you’redriving.
Localsearch lets youfind local
information, such as your nearest Indian
restaurant. Alexa’s information isn’t as
detailed as Google’s local information, but
it is getting better.
As well as delivering generic information,
Alexa canbeconfigured to bring you
information from your personal calendars.
To setthis up, go to the Alexa app and select
Settings, Calendar.You canadd Google,
Microsoft or Apple accounts; if youadd
morethan one, youcan setadefault.
Once added, youcan then ask Alexa
what’scoming up in your calendar,orto
add anew eventfor you.
Youcan further use the Settings part of
the app to personalise the assistantby
adding in your favouritesports team
(‘Alexa,what’smysports update?’), and to
giveyou traffic directions to your placeof
work (‘Alexa,what’smytraffic?’).
If youwanttoget aload of information in
one go, Alexa has the Flash Briefing (‘Alexa,
play my Flash Briefing’). To customise it, go
to Settings, Flash Briefing. Tapthe plus icon
to add moresourcesfor your content, such
as BBC News.You canadjust the order in
which flash briefings play.
Alexa supports multiple users on the same
speakers, letting people access their own
privateinformation. Foreach household, you
canhaveuptotwo adult users. To manage
your users, go to Settings, Alexa Account,
Amazon Household. Here,you caninvitea
second user to your home (theyhaveto
haveanAmazon account). Once theyget
the inviteand accept it, theyshould
download and install the Alexa app, then
theycan log into their account. The new
user canthen add their owncalendars,
music serviceand so on.
To switch between accounts, youcan
say ‘Alexa,switch profile’and youcan ask,
‘Alexa,which profile is being used?’ to check.
If youwanttoautomatethe profile switch,
youcan use the Recognised Voices option
in Settings, Alexa Account. TapYourVoice,
then followthe instructions to repeat
phrases to an Echo speaker so that
Amazon canlearn your voice. The other
adult in your home canthen do the same
thing via their accountsothat Alexa will
automatically personalise results.
Alexa isn’t limitedtorunning on Amazon’s Echo devices, and
there are plenty of third-party speakers thatalso have Alexa
built in, from the Sonos One music player (page 95) to the
Netgear Orbi Voicemesh system(Shopper376).
Third-party speakers largelywork in the same wayasEcho
devices. Youask Alexa aquestion or gether to turn on smart
devices, and she responds. As third-party devices are linked to your
Amazon account, these speakers getaccess to all the services and
features thatyou setup. There are some limitations, however.
First, third-party devices currentlydon’t supportcalling or drop-in between Echo devices,
so you can’t use themasanalternative to an intercom or acheap wayofmaking phone calls.
Depending on whatyou wanttouse your speakers for, this maybetoo much of alimitation.
Second, notall third-party devices can be placedintogroups; the Sonos products are the
exception. Thatmay notsound like much of an issue, but it makes controlling smarthome
devices alittle more taxing. Again, whatyou wanttouse your smartspeakers forwill guide
your decision, but forthe widest range of options you need Amazon Echo devices (see the
group test on page 88 forour full recommendations).
devices, and
so have Alexa
95) to the
ame wayasEcho
turn on smart
es are linked to yourur
all the servicesandnd
ions, however.
pportcalling or drop-in betweenEchEchoddevices,
Alexa isn’t limited to running on Amazon’s Echo dedevices, and
What aboutthird-