Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


TABLE 3.4 Selected Strength Exercises for the Spine

Exercise name

(Technique cues) Progression
Muscle group: Spinal flexors
Muscles emphasized: Abdominals/technique
Joint movement: Spinal flexion with posterior pelvic tilting
A. Pelvic tilt Lie supine with knees bent to
about 90° with the feet flat on the
ground. Pull pubic bones and lower
ribs toward each other, focusing
on tilting the top of the pelvis
posteriorly so that the lumbar spine
flattens against the floor. Hold 8
counts, then return pelvis and ribs
to starting position.
(Pull whole abdominal wall
inward so that it is concave, not

  1. Increase range.

  2. Increase symmetry of upper and
    lower movement.

Muscle group: Spinal flexors
Muscles emphasized: Abdominals/isometric
Joint movement: Spinal flexion with posterior pelvic tilting
B. Isometric curl-up
(Body weight)

Lie supine with knees bent to
about 90°, feet flat on the floor
and arms down by sides. Perform
a slight posterior pelvic tilt, bring
the chin toward the chest, and
curl up sequentially until shoulder
blades are off the floor. Then, place
hands on the outside of the thighs
and use them to pull the torso up
slightly higher. Release hands, hold
for 4 counts, and return torso to
starting position.
(Keep abdominal wall pulled inward,
and avoid letting torso drop down
when hands release.)

  1. Bring feet closer toward

  2. Increase hold to 8 counts.

  3. Bring arms slowly back overhead
    (high fifth) and then forward
    again during the hold.

  4. Perform on a diagonal with both
    hands on the outside of the
    same distal thigh.

Muscle group: Spinal flexors
Muscles emphasized: Abdominals/eccentric
Joint movement: Spinal flexion with posterior pelvic tilting and hip flexion
C. Curl-back
(Body weight)

Sit with your knees bent about 90°
and feet flat on the floor. Perform a
slight posterior pelvic tilt and then
curl the torso back down toward the
floor. Begin by bringing the sacrum in
contact with the floor, then proceed
until the back of the waist is in
contact with the floor. Hold 4 counts,
and slowly curl back up to starting
position, using the hands on the
thighs to assist on the way up if
(Keep spine as flexed as possible
throughout the movement.)
Variation 1: Perform sitting on an
exercise ball, starting with the knees
bent about 90° and the feet flat on
the floor.

  1. Increase hold to 8 counts.

  2. Bring hands behind head and
    then forward during hold.

  3. Start with the arms in high fifth.

  4. Bring knee to chest during hold.

  5. Bring knee to chest and then
    extend knee (développé) during

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