Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Exercise name

(Technique cues) Progression
Muscle group: Spinal flexors
Muscles emphasized: Abdominals/stabilization and latissimus dorsi
Joint movement: Spinal flexion with shoulder extension
D. Reformer curl-up

Lie supine with knees flexed just
over hip joints, and lower legs
parallel to the carriage while the
hands are overhead holding straps.
Bring arms forward and down
(shoulder extension), curl torso up
while keeping elbows extended so
that straps provide resistance to
spinal flexion, pause, bring arms
back overhead while torso remains
up, and then slowly lower torso to
starting position.
(Curl torso up as high as strength
will allow while still maintaining
back of waist in contact with
carriage, and avoid letting torso
lower down as arms go overhead.)

  1. Curl torso higher.

  2. Increase springs.

  3. Extend knees with feet pointing
    toward ceiling as arms go

Muscle group: Spinal flexors
Muscles emphasized: “Lower” abdominals

Joint movement: Lumbar spinal flexion with posterior pelvic tilting

E. Hip lift
(Elastic band)

Lie supine with knees slightly bent
and directly over the hips while the
hands hold a band stretched across
the front of the thigh to resist
the motion. Perform a posterior
pelvic tilt and then continue that
movement until the sacrum slowly
lifts off the ground and the thighs
come closer to the shoulders. Hold
4 counts, and slowly lower the hips
back to the starting position.
(Emphasize the abdominals by
posteriorly tilting the pelvis to
produce the lift rather than flexing
the hip, and avoid the use of

  1. Lift pelvis higher.

  2. Use a heavier band.

  3. Lift the pelvis on a diagonal.


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