Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Exercise name

(Technique cues) Progression

Muscle group: Spinal lateral flexors
Muscles emphasized: Oblique abdominals

Joint movement: Spinal lateral flexion

K. Side-up
(Body weight)

Lie on one side with the knees
and hips slightly flexed, then rock
the whole body back as a unit
such that the knees are about 8
inches (20 centimeters) off the
floor. Slightly flex the spine, then
sequentially raise head, shoulders,
and torso toward the ceiling. Hold 4
counts, then slowly lower to starting
(Keep abdominal wall pulled inward,
and lead with the lower arm such
that the spine slightly flexes and
rotates as it laterally flexes.)
Variation 1: Perform on the Pilates
Cadillac with the feet under the
restraining strap.
Variation 2: Perform with a “short
box” on the Pilates Reformer with
the feet under the restraining strap,
and increase range of motion by
beginning with the torso laterally
flexed toward the floor.

  1. Increase range of motion.

  2. Bring arms overhead and then
    back when torso is raised.

  3. Add dumbbells in hands.

Muscle group: Spinal lateral flexors
Muscles emphasized: Oblique abdominals/stabilization

Joint movement: Spinal lateral flexion with shoulder abduction

L. Side reach
(Body weight)

Begin on one side with weight
supported on forearm of bottom
arm and feet, with top foot in front
of bottom foot. Top arm is in line
with shoulder. Slowly lower hips
toward floor as the arm goes down
by the side, and then raise hips
toward the ceiling as top arm raises
overhead, pause, and return to
starting position.
(Keep spine/pelvis neutral in the
sagittal plane and avoid sticking
ribs forward, reach from feet to
fingertips when arm goes overhead
while maintaining stability of the
support shoulder.)

  1. Increase range of lowering and
    raising of hips.

  2. Support weight on the hand
    of the bottom arm (with elbow

  3. Perform one time, shift to face-
    down with two-arm support and
    do push-up, shift to perform one
    time on the other side. Repeat
    series 2-6 times.


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