Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

170 Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology

Lateral Muscles of the Hip

The lateral muscles of the hip include the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fasciae latae.
They all cross lateral to the axis of the hip joint for abduction-adduction and so share the common
action of hip abduction, used in movements such as a parallel side tendu or dégagé. These muscles
also play a very important stabilizing role in standing and locomotion. When the weight is on one leg,
these muscles act to prevent the pelvis from dropping down on the opposite side or the support femur
from excessively adducting (“sitting in the hip”).

Attachments and Primary Actions of Deep Outward Rotators

Muscle Proximal attachment(s) Distal attachment(s) Primary action(s)
Deep outward rotators

Anterior surface of
sacrum, posterior ilium

Superior surface of greater
trochanter of femur

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint
Obturator internus
(ob-tu-RA-tor in-TER-nus)

Internal surface of
obturator foramen and
obturator membrane,

Medial surface of greater
trochanter of femur

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Obturator externus
(ob-tu-RA-tor ek-STER-nus)

Rami of pubis and ischium
and external surface of
obturator membrane

Adjacent to greater
trochanter on upper,
posterior femur

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Gemellus superior

Posterior, lower part of

With obturator internus
muscle to medial aspect of
greater trochanter of femur

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Gemellus inferior

Ischial tuberosity With obturator internus
muscle to medial aspect of
greater trochanter of femur

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Quadratus femoris
(kwod-RA-tus FEM-o-ris)

Lateral ischial tuberosity The crest between
the greater and lesser
trochanter on posterior

Hip external rotation
Stabilization of hip joint

Attachments and Primary Actions of Gluteus Medius and Minimus Muscles

Muscle Proximal attachment(s) Distal attachment(s) Primary action(s)
Gluteus medius
(GLOO-tee-us ME-dee-us)

Outer surface of ilium Lateral surface of greater
trochanter of femur

Hip abduction
Hip internal rotation
Stabilization of pelvis on femur
Gluteus minimus
(GLOO-tee-us MI-ni-mus)

Lower outer surface of

Anterolateral aspect of
greater trochanter of

Hip abduction
Hip internal rotation
Stabilization of pelvis on femur

Gluteus Medius and Minimus
The gluteus medius (G. gloutos, buttock + medius, middle) is located on the side of the ilium as shown
in figure 4.10A. It provides the rounded contour to the side of the pelvis, although its posterior fibers
are covered by the gluteus maximus and its anterior fibers by the tensor fasciae latae. The gluteus
medius is the largest of the lateral muscles and is the most fundamental hip abductor, while the gluteus
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