Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

174 Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology

Summary of Hip Muscle Attachments and Actions

A summary of the attachments of primary hip muscles and their primary actions is provided in table 4.1,
and selected muscles and attachments are shown in figures 4.13, A and B, and 4.14, A and B. From
these resources, estimate the line of pull of the muscle, deduce its actions, and then check for accuracy
by referring to figure 4.13C or 4.14C. Note that the proximal attachment of the iliopsoas is not shown in
figure 4.13 but can be approximated from a close examination of figure 4.5 on page 165.

TABLE 4.1 Summary of Attachments and Primary Actions of Hip Muscles

Muscle Proximal attachment(s) Distal attachment(s) Primary action(s)
Anterior muscles
Iliopsoas (il-ee-o-SO-us)
Psoas major

Transverse processes,
bodies, and intervertebral
discs of T12-L5

Lesser trochanter of

Hip flexion
Hip abduction (higher

Iliac fossa, crest of ilium,
inner lateral sacrum

Lesser trochanter of

Hip flexion
Hip abduction (higher
Rectus femoris
(REK-tus FEM-o-ris)

Anterior inferior iliac spine
Posterior head: just above

Tibial tuberosity via
patellar tendon

Hip flexion
(Knee extension)


Anterior superior iliac
spine (ASIS) and area just

Medial surface of upper
tibia (pes anserinus)

Hip flexion
Hip abduction
Hip external rotation
(Knee flexion)
Posterior muscles
Gluteus maximus
(GLOO-tee-us MAK-si-mus)

Crest and posterior
surface of ilium, posterior
surface of sacrum and

Line on posterior
femur between greater
trochanter and linea
aspera and iliotibial tract

Hip extension
Hip external rotation

Biceps femoris
(BI-seps FEM-o-ris)

Long head: ischial
Short head: linea aspera
of femur

Head of fibula
Lateral tibial condyle

Hip extension
Hip external rotation
(Knee flexion)
(Knee external rotation)

Ischial tuberosity Medial surface of upper
tibia (pes anserinus)

Hip extension
Hip internal rotation
(Knee flexion)
(Knee internal rotation)

Ischial tuberosity Medial condyle of tibia Hip extension
Hip internal rotation
(Knee flexion)
(Knee internal rotation)
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