Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

46 Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology

from the line of action of the force to the axis of
rotation or potential rotation. This latter quantity
(perpendicular distance from the line of force to the
axis of rotation) is termed the force arm or moment
arm. The key point here is that it is not just the
magnitude of the force but also how far away from
the axis (e.g., the joint) that this force is acting that
is vital in determining its effect. So, when analyzing
joint movement, the force resulting from muscle
contraction can be termed the effort (E); the line
of this force would be the line of pull of the muscle,
and the point of application of this force would
be the muscle attachment to the bone. So, as can
be seen in figure 2.11, torque of the muscle (T) =

effort (E) × effort arm (EA). However, this torque
related to contraction of the muscles trying to effect
a given motion is countered by the torque related
to the resistance to this motion. When the torque of
the resistance is due to external forces such as the
effect of gravity on a dumbbell or a body segment,
then the torque of the resistance = resistance (R) ×
resistance arm (RA).

Mechanical Advantage

The relation of the moment arm of the effort to the
moment arm of the resistance has important conse-
quences for the potential to overcome resistance and

FIGURE 2.10 Three classes of lever systems used in human movement.
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