Exercise 12—Class Exercise
Étude, Op. 25, No. 7 (F. Chopin)
Write the names of underscored notes. Circle the 13 notes that are played on the black keys. Reminder:
Accidentals continue to affect pitches until the double bar lines.
Exercise 13
Draw the chromatic half step above and below the given pitch.
Draw the diatonic half step above and below the given pitch.
The étude (French for “study”) is an instrumental composition that addresses one or more technical difficulties. Études achieved
heightened popularity in the nineteenth century with compositions such as those by Chopin and Liszt; twentieth-century composers
including György Ligeti and John Cage continued to expand the range of technical demands.
Chopin composed two sets of études for piano that required both technical and musical mastery: Opp. 10 and 25. In the
excerpt below, Chopin begins the first measure without a time signature and creates a rhapsodic, improvisatory melody.
Historical note: ÉÉtude
Ü b
& w w
Example 1. 2. 3. 4.
w w #w #w
w w
Example 5. 6. 7. 8.