Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Exercise 6.1

Beginning with C major, draw the 15 major scales in both clefs using tetrachords. Indicate tetrachords with a

  • Amajor scale consists of two tetrachords.

  • Each tetrachord pattern consists of: whole step, whole step, half step. The second tetrachord of a scale begins
    adiatonic whole step above the last note of the first tetrachord.

  • As shown below, the second tetrachord of C major becomes the first tetrachord of the following scale, G
    major. The same principle applies to each subsequent scale.

  • The three pairs of enharmonic scales are C#–Db, F#–Gband B–Cb.

  • There are at most seven different sharps or seven different flats in a major scale.

  • The number of sharps increases from one sharp in G major up to seven sharps in C#major.

  • The number of flats decreases from seven flats in Cbmajor to one flat in F major.

  1. C major 2. G major (1 sharp)

  2. Dmajor (2 sharps) 4. A major (3 sharps)


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