Method 3:Memorize the number of sharps or flats, if any, in the minor key signatures. As we saw earlier, A
minor is the only minor scale that has no accidentals.
The harmonicform of the minor has the same key signature as the natural minor. However, in the harmonic
form, the seventh note is raised a half step, which emphasizes harmonictendencies by creating the leading
tone—hence the name of this form.
In the harmonic form, there are three half steps between 2–3, 5–6, and 7–8.
- Note that the key signaturedoes not reflect the raised G sharp.
- By raising the seventh note, there will be 1^1 ⁄ 2 steps between notes 6 and 7 from F to G sharp. This is what
makes this form of the minor difficult to sing or play; this also gives the scale its distinctive sound.
Key signature (no sharps or flats)
Elements of the Natural minor:
- Consists of 8 diatonic notes.
- Arrangement of whole and half steps: W H W W H W W.
W H W W H 1 ½ W
Key signature (no sharps or flats) Raised seventh
1 2 3 4 5 6 8