Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Musical Examples in the Three Forms of Minor Scales

Following are musical examples in the three forms of the E minor scale.
To study pieces in minor scales:

  1. Locate the minor scale on the Circle of Fifths. Is the scale a sharped or a flatted scale? What is its relative major?

  2. Draw the three forms of the scale using either accidentals or a key signature.

  3. Determine the form of the minor scale that is used in the musical example:

    • Are accidentals used in the example?

    • If so, are they the sixth or seventh notes of the scale?

E natural (pure) minor (relative is G major)

“O Come, O Come, Immanuel,” Gregorian chant, eighth century

Only the notes in the E natural minor are used in “O Come, O Come, Immanuel”—the F sharp is shown in the
key signature.

E harmonic minor: Raise the seventh note


D sharp


Elements of the MELODIC MINOR

  • Consists of eight diatonic notes.

  • The ascending and descending forms of the melodic minor have different arrangements of whole and half steps.

  • To ascend: from the natural minor scale (using the key signature), raisethe sixth and seventh notes a half stepkeeping the
    letter names the same. Arrangement of whole and half steps: W H W W W W H. To descend: lowerthe sixth and seventh
    notes a half step, returning the scale to the natural form. Do notchange the key signature when ascending or descending.

Workbook Exercises 9.1–9.6

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