Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. “The Short Mesure off My Lady Wynkfyld’s Rownde” (attributed to Hugh Aston, c.1550)

Brackets are placed around notes in the first two measures. Locate and bracket two other measures that are
similar to the opening ones. Compare and contrast the bracketed measures.

  1. “Hamachidori” (“Beach Plover”) (H. Ryutarou), Japanese pentatonicmelody
    Identify the five different pitches used in this melody.

  2. “Nel Cor Più Non Mi Sento” Variations (L.v. Beethoven)


Vocabulary note

Apentatonic melody only uses five different pitches. Many melodies from around the world are pentatonic, including folk melodies
from Japan, China, Korea, Hungary, Indonesia, Greece, and African countries. Many American folk songs, blues melodies, and
spirituals are also pentatonic.


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