Exercise 10—Class Exercise
Indicate with a check the triad that you hear: major, minor, or diminished. You will hear the triad played twice,
once harmonically and once melodically.
Major Minor Diminished
Theory Trainer
Exercise 11cIdentify triads when written on the staff: major, minor, diminished triads.
Augmented Triad
The augmentedtriad consists of two ascending consecutive major thirds from the root. This creates an aug-
mented fifth between the root and the fifth, hence the name “augmented” which means “made bigger.”
When labeling the quality of an augmented triad, frequently the “plus” sign + is used. It is preferable to either
label an augmented triad using the “+” or to write “Aug” to avoid any confusion with the letter A.
Major third (M3)
Major third (M3)