Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name the space notes below.

Name the bass clef notes below.

Exercise 21

The following examples are songs from different countries. Write the name of the pitch below each note and
then sing the exercise. Which of the following melodies are pentatonic?

  1. Menuet en Rondeau (J.-P. Rameau) (originally written in the treble clef)



Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683–1764), a significant French music theorist and composer in the Baroque period (1600–1750), was a
significant French keyboard composer in the eighteenth century. Controversial for harmonies that were considered revolutionary
at the time, Rameau was later accepted, but subsequently attacked. Today, Rameau’s music is again heard and appreciated. His
theoretical writings on harmony continue to be important; they codified harmonic rules that continue to be studied today.

Historical note: Jean-Philippe Rameau

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