Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



12-bar blues Amusical genre of African-American origin based on blues scales, with chord progressions 12
measures long.
32-bar form Asong form (AABA) consisting of 32 measures divided into four 8-measure sections, with a
repeating A section and a contrasting B section.
Accent Asign (>) placed above or below a note head indicating to play that note louder than surrounding
Accidental Asign used to alter a pitch. There are five accidentals: sharp, flat, natural, double sharp, and double
Adagio It. “At ease”; a slow tempo marking.
Alla breve The time signature or 2/2 time; simple duple meter with the half note as the pulse note.
Allegro It. Fast tempo indication.
Alto clef (see C clef) The sign ( ) indicating that the middle line (line 3) is middle C.
Anacrusis Note or notes of an incomplete measure at the beginning of a piece of music (also called “pick up).
(See Upbeat.)
Andante It. “Moving along”; a walking tempo.
Antecedent phrase The first section of a period which ends on the dominant (a half cadence), an inconclusive
Articulation An indication of how smoothly or detached notes are to be played. Symbols or words may be
used; for example, staccato(detached) and legato(connected).
Augmented interval The perfect interval or major interval increased by a half step. For example, a perfect
fourth (P4) is C–F; an augmented fourth (A4) is C–F#.
Authentic cadence Aresting or ending of a section of music with the last two chords consisting of a dominant
(V) to a tonic (I). Occasionally, the leading tone chord (vii ̊) may be used as a substitute chord instead of
the dominant.
Bar line Avertical line through the horizontal lines of a staff or staves separating music into measures.
Bass clef (F clef) The sign ( ) indicating that the fourth line from the bottom is the F below middle C.
Beam Ahorizontal line connecting the end of note stems of rhythmic values smaller than a quarter note;
replaces the flag on individual notes.
Beat The steady pulse of music.
Binary form Atwo-part form (AB) with each section repeated, and the B section in a contrasting but related key.
Cclef Movable clefs that designate the line to represent middle C. (See Alto clefand Tenor clef.)
Cadence The ending point of a phrase or section of music.
Changing meter (also Polymeter or Complex meter) Meters that change within a piece of music. For example,
when the beginning time signature is 3/4 and changes to 3/8 and then to 4/8.
Chord Three or more pitches that sound simultaneously. (See Seventh chordand Triad.)
Chord progression Aseries of adjacent chords.




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