Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. “The Bonny Lass” (English dance tune from “The Dancing Master”)

  2. “Tarong, Kamatis, Parya” (“Eggplant, Tomato, and Bitter Melon”), Filipino folk ballad, Iloko dialect

In our longer music examples the measures are numbered for convenience—see the small figure 5 at the
beginning of the second line of music.



Filipino folk ballads frequently include animals and plants in their narrative. In this song, the eggplant, tomato, and bitter melon
argue: which vegetable is the most delicious?
(“Early in the morning, we looked out of the window, and the eggplant, tomato, and amargoso were there, I heard them
talking.. .”)

Cultural note: Filipino folk ballads

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