Music Fundamentals A Balanced Approach

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Rests may be dotted, but they may not be tied. For example, a complete measure of silence in 3/4 may be written
as a dotted half rest; it also may be written as a whole rest.

Exercise 7

  1. Draw whole rests, which are always written below the fourth line.

  2. Draw half rests, which are always written above the third line.

  3. Draw quarter rests.

  4. Draw eighth rests.

  5. Draw sixteenth rests.

Exercise 8

Write in the beats above and the counts below each note or rest. Then clap the exercise and count out loud.

  1. Tracks 46 and 47—The whole rest,unlike the whole note, extends through the entiremeasure; the number
    of counts it receives is dependent on the upper number of the time signature.
    In the first example below, you will find an assymetrical time signature where there are five beats in
    every measure. (For example, the jazz piece “Take Five,” made famous by Dave Brubeck, is in 5/4.)




5 2 2 1

(1 2 3 4 5) 1 (2) 3 (4) 5

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