English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

a. Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill in the gap with the

  1. The boy is loud. He shouts __.

  2. Max is a good singer. He sings __.

  3. My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives __.

  4. They think English is an easy Language. They learn English

  5. Jim is a wonderful pianist. He plays the piano __.

  6. The dog is angry. It barks __.

  7. This exercise is simple. You __ have to put one word in
    each space.

b. Write down the correct form of the word in brackets (adjective or

Italian English
adagio slowly
allegretto fairly quickly
allegro quickly; briskly
andante fairly slowly
forte loudly
fortissimo very loudly
largo very slowly
mezzo fairly
molto very
pianissimo very quietly
piano quietly; softly
vivace lively; spiritedly
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