English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reflect /rI"flEkt/ (v)
echo; mirror; reveal; represent

  • Her book clearly reflects her beliefs.

Resemble /rI"zEmb(@)l/ (v)
look like; be similar to

  • He strongly resembles his father in appearance and in temperament.

Share /SE:/ (v)
have in common with others; have a part of with
others; divide

  • We shared the money equally.

Subtle /"sVt(@)l/ (adj)
slight; delicate

  • He didn't seem to understand my subtle hints.

  • She has a subtle mind.

Unique /ju:"ni:k/ (adj)
special; single; unlike anything else

  • Humans are unique among mammals in several respects.

Variety /v@"rVI@ti/ (n)
range; the state of being different or diverse

  • I was surprised by the variety of the choices that were available.

b. Technical Terms

Improvise /"Impr@vVIz/ (v)
create or perform music spontaneously or
without preparation

  • The trumpet player performed an improvised solo.

Minor /"mVIn@/ (adj, n)

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