English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. The machines were not yet ____ enough to give useful

  2. The course is designed to ____ your writing skills.

  3. The results were ____ to those of the first test.

  4. He acted as if he didn't ____ know.

  5. Good jazz musicians know how to ____.

  6. The perfume has a ____ smell.

  7. I really don't know enough about it to ____ an opinion.

  8. There is a ____ difference in meaning between the two

  9. She gained a thorough ____ of local customs.

  10. The economy was the ____ focus of the debate.

  11. That website provides a space to ____ the files.

c. Synonyms: choose the word that means the same as the given word.

  1. handy
    a. useless b. primary
    c. restful d. useful

  2. perceive
    a. keep b. receive
    c. understand d. hold

  3. reflect
    a. protect b. mirror
    c. create d. remain

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