English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Chorus /"kO:r@s/ (n)
a part of a song which is repeated after each

Coda /"k@Ud@/ (n)
the concluding passage of a piece, typically
forming an addition to the basic structure

Downbeat /"daUnbi:t/ (n)
an accented beat, usually the first of the bar

Groove /gru:v/ (n)
a rhythmic pattern in music

Hook /hUk/ (n)
a catchy chorus or repeated passage in a pop or
rock song

Instrumentalist /InstrU"mEnt(@)lIst/ (n)
a player of a musical instrument

Interlude /"Int@lu:d/ (n)
a piece of music played between other pieces or
between the verses of a hymn

Introduction /Intr@"dVkS(@)n/ (n)
the opening section of a piece of music; overture

Lyric /"lIrIk/ (n) (also Lyrics)
the words of a song

Middle eight /"mId(@)l "eIt/ (n)
a short section (typically of eight bars) in the
middle of a song, generally of a different
character from the other parts of the song

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