Outro /"aUtr@U/ (n)
the concluding section of a piece of music
Pre-chorus /pri:"kO:r@s/ (n)
the section of a piece that comes after verse and
before chorus
Refrain /rI"freIn/ (n)
a recurring phrase, especially at the end of each
verse of a song; the music accompanying this
Solo /"s@Ul@U/ (n)
a piece of music for one performer
Theme /Ti:m/ (n)
the main melody in a piece; a prominent or
frequently recurring melody or group of notes in
a composition
Upbeat /"Vpbi:t/ (n)
an unaccented beat, especially that before the
Verse /v@:s/ (n)
a group of lines forming a unit in a poem or
song; a sequence of lines leading into the chorus
or separating one chorus from another