English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The verse and chorus are usually repeated throughout a song though the
bridge, intro, and coda are usually only used once. Some pop songs may
have a solo section, particularly in rock or blues influenced pop. During
the solo section one or more instruments play a melodic line which may be
the melody used by the singer, or it may be improvised based on the chord
progression. Solos are a good way to involve the audience and profile
talent within the band. A solo can also break the repetition of the verse-
chorus format. Both vocal and instrumental solos are very effective in
grabbing attention of the audience.

IV. Comprehension Exercises

a. Write T (true) or F (false).

____ 1. The introduction may be one or more bars of the tonic chord.

____ 2. The pre-verse is an interlude between the intro and the opening

____ 3. The refrain is a line repeated at the end of a song.

____ 4. The refrain is the same as the chorus.

____ 5. Climb is another name for pre-chorus.

____ 6. The climb heightens the anticipation of the listener for the coming

____ 7. The chorus is repeated several times both musically and lyrically.

____ 8. A bridge always contains lyrics.

____ 9. A middle eight is melodically different from the other parts of the

____ 10. Coda is another name for bridge.

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