English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Unit 10. Musical Instruments (2)

I. Word List

a. General Words

Aerate /"E:reIt/ (v)
introduce air into; expose to the air

  • You should aerate the soil before planting the seeds.

Ancient /"eInS(@)nt/ (adj)
belonging to or originating in the very distant
past; very old

  • The people in the village still observe the ancient customs of their

Association /@s@UsI"eIS(@)n/ (n)
connection; link; relationship

  • They have a long association with the school and have donated millions
    of dollars to it.

Authentic /O:"TEntIk/ (adj)
genuine; real

  • We saw authentic examples of ancient Roman sculpture.

Conical /"kQnIk(@)l/ (adj)
shaped like a cone; tapered; pointed

  • The tree has a conical shape.

Culminate /"kVlmIneIt/ (v)


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