English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
reach the highest point; reach or be a climax or
point of highest development; end

  • A bitter feud culminated months of tension.

Distinctive /dI"stINktIv/ (adj)
individually characteristic; distinguishing;
distinct from others of its kind; unique

  • He had a very distinctive walk.

Elliptical /I"lIptIk(@)l/ (adj)
oval; egg-shaped

  • The moon follows an elliptical path around the Earth.

Emanate /"Em@neIt/ (v)
come out from a source; originate

  • Good smells emanated from the kitchen.

Military /"mIlIt(@)ri/ (adj)
relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed
forces; martial

  • He is being tried in a military court rather than in a civilian court.

Mouthpiece /"maUTpi:s/ (n)
a part of a musical instrument, telephone, etc.,
designed to be put in or against the mouth

  • Each note has a different lip set point on the mouthpiece of the trumpet.

Propel /pr@"pEl/ (v)
drive or push forwards

  • The train is propelled by steam.

Rim /rIm/ (n)
the upper or outer edge of something, typically
something circular

  • There were chips on the rim of the plate.

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