English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The classical guitar is typically a Spanish-derived, six-
stringed instrument played using a plectrum (guitar pick) or
the fingernails, with frets set into the fingerboard. It is played
by either plucking or strumming the strings.
Popular music tends to use amplification for both six-stringed
instruments and the four-stringed bass guitar. The guitar
family gradually supplanted the lute which had come to
prominence during the Renaissance.

IV. Comprehension Exercises

a. Write T (true) or F (false).

____ 1. The brass instruments in ascending order of pitch are the trumpet,
French horn, trombone, and tuba respectively.

____ 2. The natural (valveless) trumpet is more commonly used in
authentic baroque orchestra.

____ 3. The bugle is mostly heard in military contexts.

____ 4. The French horn is named after the use of animals’ horns in pre-
historic times.

____ 5. The trombone makes use of a hand-operated slide to change pitch.

____ 6. The tuba is the only brass instrument which operates without a
valve system.

____ 7. Bombardon is another name for the double bass tuba.

____ 8. The harpsichord is a plucked keyboard instrument.

____ 9. Aerated keyboard instruments operate by propelling air inside a
series of tuned pipes.

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