English For Music Students

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The rules for sharps ( # ), flats ( v ), naturals ( F ), double sharps ( ӿ ), and
double flats ( vv ) are:
1 ) A natural cancels a sharp or flat.
2 ) A single sharp or flat cancels a double sharp or double flat
3 ) One natural alone cancels both double sharps and double flats.
4 ) An accidental remains in effect for the duration of the measure it is
in, or for the duration of tied pitches, inside a measure or across the
bar line
5 ) To raise a note which has previously been sharped, use a double
sharp; to lower a note which has been flatted, use a double flat.
6 ) An accidental only affects a specific note in that octave, in that clef.
All other notes of the same name are not affected.

IV. Comprehension Exercises

a. Write T (true) or F (false).

____ 1. The music alphabet is made up of seven letters, and then it starts

____ 2. Two clefs are used in the grand staff: the G and C clefs.

____ 3. The treble clef locates G below ‘middle C’ on the second line of
the staff.

____ 4. The F clef is used to notate lower-pitched sounds.

____ 5. Notes can be placed on or between the ledger lines just like the
lines of the staff.

____ 6. Sharps and flats represent black keys on the keyboard.

____ 7. The sharp and flat signs are written before the note on the staff.

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