The grand staff is made up of all the following, except ____.
a. the G clef b. the C clef
c. the F clef d. two staves
All the following except ____ are called accidentals.
a. flat b. natural
c. octave d. sharp
The symbol ‘vv’ is used to indicate a ____.
a. flat b. sharp
c. double flat d. double sharp
The symbol ‘F’ is used to indicate a ____.
a. flat b. natural
c. sharp d. double sharp
A ____ is used to raise a note by two half steps.
a. flat b. sharp
c. double flat d. double sharp
c. Answer the following questions orally.
How many clefs are there in modern music notation? Why do you think
we need all these clefs in music notation?
What different meanings does the word ‘octave’ have in music
What are the meanings of whole step (tone) and half step (semitone) in
music language?
How many half steps are there in an octave?
When do we need to add ledger lines to the staff?
How can we neutralise a sharp or flat?